Saturday, September 8, 2012

Securely Attached

Securely Attached
  As Christians, many times in our lives, situations and circumstances can seemingly get the best of us, but if we are securely attached to God, then we can better handle what we go through.  Research suggests that religious involvement is associated with desirable mental health outcomes. Additionally, as believers, we see God as being responsible and able to  protect and comfort us in times of stress and discomfort Ellison, Bradshaw, Kuye, Marcum (2012). Therefore,  we must constantly be aware of God and what He has in store for us.  In the book, God Attachment, by Tim Clinton, he explores why we feel, act, and believe the way we do about God, and how important it is that we understand as Christians, how essential it is for us to recognize and know that God loves us no matter what our past. John Bowlby, believed that there are four distinguishing characteristics of attachment; proximity maintenance, which is a desire to be near the people we are attached to, safe haven means that we return to the attachment figure for comfort and safety in that of fear or threat, secure base, is the security we feel which allows us to explore our surroundings, and separation distress is when we are no longer attached.psychology. 

  However, when thinking about being attached and having a secure attachment, my mind goes to the point of having God as the center of who we are and understanding that in Him do we live, move, and  have our being Acts 17:28 (KJV).  Bowbly makes a good point when establishing his characteristics of attachment.  However, I would like to add that as a Christian, our attachment to God should be secure, in that, when we become Christians we want to be as near to God as we possibly can, understanding that whenever we need Him, He is always with us.  Proverbs 18:10 paraphrased says, the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous runs in and are safe.  So, I believe that God gives us everything we need when we come to Him in faith.  God will protect us, even when we do wrong things.  I think it is important for Christians to be securely attached to God because along this journey we will meet someone who needs to hear that God is really a safe haven and He can keep us from harm and danger.  Another point I believe is worth mentioning, is that no matter how far away we seem from God, He is always waiting with open arms to embrace us.
Remember: No matter what we have done or how we have failed God, He is always waiting to embrace us.

In the article, it is interesting to note that research suggests attachment to God can bring positive changes to psychological distresses. Additionally, the book God Attachment, was most interesting.  I was especially interested in chapter five which explained attachment style and how to relate to individuals from a secure standpoint.  I included this picture because so many times I need to feel God arms wrapped around me and I thought that if I could see along with all those who read this blog, we could not only know, but we could also visually see what it would look like to be wrapped in God's arms.  Lastly, I would also like to share a song that encourages me every time I hear it no matter where I am in God.

Bridget Kelly

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