Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Mind...An Unfair Process

As I was searching for a topic that I could potentially blog about, ironically I came across another blog that I related to what a friend of mine had been feeling for the last month or so. This blog briefly reflected upon parents and their overprotective ways when concerning their children. Although this blog is not my friend’s exact situation, it relates in way such as the parents not being receptive to boyfriends/girlfriends, as well as their lack of understand. Over the last several weeks, Dr. Corsini presented material on the soul, spirit, heart, conscience, and mind. Each chamber holds a significant role in the human body. However, I would like to key in on the mind section for this particularly blog. According to Dr. Corsini, the mind has four phases. The duty of these four phases is to perceive, understand, judge, and determine. This specific process relates to my friends situation and the situation in the blog. How? It relates because process that a parents goes through when they meet their child’s boyfriend/girlfriend is perception, understanding, judgment, and determining. When a person perceives an object or situation, it is merely the unique way someone views it. Most of the time perceiving can be black and white; meaning either the parents like the friend or they do not like them. Attempting to understand why their child has chosen this particular person to date can often times be confusing to the parent. Shortly after understanding, judgment takes place. This part can become complicated and even unfair at times. Once judgment occurs, a parent will determine whether or not they approve of their child’s choice. After reading the post and listening to my friend’s situation, I immediately referred to my class notes. I shared these four stages of the mind. I would go as far as saying that these steps are place into practice subconsciously. My friend was frazzled at the fact that his girlfriend’s mother and father did not accept him. In addition, he feels as if they have not given him a fair chance. He feels that if her parents get to know him that their perception of him will change into a more positive one. I told him that could potentially happen. Furthermore, I shared with him that one of the primary reasons they have not accepted him was due to a skewed perception they have. If he thinks about it, a person’s whose perception of a situation is distorted, may have an effect on the following three phases. Because of the situation, I encouraged him (as well as others) not to allow a faulty perception dictate a situation. Rather, altering the perception of her parents could potentially change the remaining three components.

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