Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Can You Read Me Now?

The Boston Globe published an article examining texting as a form of communication between parents and teens. Parents claim that utilizing texting to reach out to their teens is helping them build a bridge for open communication. Parents say that texting things like; chores, responsibilities or even request comes off as loving consequently their teens are more eager to listen to them. As oppose to a face-to-face approach which comes off as controlling . Instead, of telling Suzie "Do your homework" a parent can simply send a text from the kitchen saying "I love you, now get your homework done". Texting as described in the article can be highly intimate or highly distancing.

I don't necessarily think that texting between a child/parent is a negative thing but i do however think that it needs to be used wisely. There is a time and place for a parent to be a parent and for a parent to be a friend. When the two dimensions unite there is a lack of respect and authority that begins to form. Because parents use this method to avoid conflict many important issues will go unaddressed. Teens still need to be held accountable to parents, rules and responsibilities. Just like when kids get put in time out, a parent needs to sit with them and explain why they are in time out or else the time out is pointless. Teens need the same thing they need to sit with their parents so they can learn how to make better decisions, have a strong moral character and integrity by talking it out. Parents should also be held liable for communicating to their children, just because there afraid their teen will shut down doesn't mean parents need to walk on egg shells with there kids. Parents need to stand their ground as the parents. Texting should not be used in place of all other forms of communication. It most definitely should not be the preferred method. There are certain issues that a parent needs to address with the family that needs to be done the old fashioned way and not with a 160 character limit.

Teens need human interaction!! A majority of their day is spent; texting, tweeting, facebooking and for the oldies out there myspacing. Technology has revolutionized face-to-face communication by far. People are walking and texting, eating and texting, talking and texting and the ever so confusing to me sleeping and texting (now that's impressive)! Cell phones are the last thing people see at night and the first thing they see when they wake up. It's sad to say but I would venture to say that a majority of Americans (including myself) can't go anywhere without their phone. What sort of life is that? If teens can't get in person communication at home where in the world will they get it?


  1. I agree, Liz! Not only teens, everybody needs human interaction. Maybe we should turn our cels off for one day and see how we would handle life.

  2. I agree, I think that we have become to dependent on those cell phones.

  3. it is sheer ignorance that makes parent use texting in nurturing their children. It is very absurd that a parent thinks technology is the best tool for raising children. Don't be goofed, whatever a man sows that shall he also reap. Time will tell.


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